August 01, 2008

DSLR or a Digicam?

I'd seen digital SLR camera prices tumble since I first looked at them. However, I questioned if, in the course of my day, I would walk around with such a large camera. Was I ready to become Mr. Photog?-- Or would I end up with the camera buried in my bag or, worse, left at home?

Price was my main determiner. I could only afford to get one camera, so I needed one that would serve my purposes-- not necessarily my every desire for a 'super' camera, but one that would capture what I wanted to save or share of my life-- a 'story-telling' camera.

I found two articles that I feel are especially well-written intros to digital cameras. The first calls getting an SLR-- with through the lens viewing and a much larger sensor to capture the image-- a 'no-brainer'-- unless portability is an issue: Snappy Reflexes

And a second, more in depth article-- with the author's

Quick Points for Readers in a Hurry

Here are some links to my 'products' taken with my cellphone's camera:

100 Pics on Picasa

A Few Fotos on Flickr

next, part three: I Finally Decide

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